Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Grace Williams- Temple- You won't come out the same way you go in (The Director)

Grace Williams- "Oxygen"- Come on In

Grace Williams- "My Soul Longs For You" ...Does Your Soul Long For Him"

Grace Williams "River". One listener said "Grace Williams Prophesies volumes in her music. She is a true Minstrel of the Lord. In her music is the heart of God the Father! She is turning the heart of the children to the Father, and the Father to the children"

Grace Williams - (My Favorite Female Worship Singer) offering up to the Lord "Give You My Praise"; Come on in and be transported into his presence. "The Spirit and the Bride say "COME and soak in MY presence"

Come Children of the Lamb...Listen to the Sounds of The Lamb Being Worshipped and Worship Ye Him! "Yeshua (Jesus) Kadosh (Holy) !"

Marty Goetz, (My Favorite Male Singer and son of a Jewish cantor), sings "He is My Defense". Rejoice and relish in the sound of your Jewish roots ye grafted-in ones of the Most High God.

Ted Pearce - Holocaust Song - "The Forgotten People"; God Bless the Next Generation of Childen of the Nazis Perpetrators of the Holocaust. !!!GRAPHIC!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Good News for the Unborn in Mississippi

Barring court action, Mississippi will soon have a law that could leave the entire state without an abortion clinic. This is a good thing, especially if you’re an unborn baby.
Gov. Phil Bryant April 16 signed a bill into law that requires physicians at all abortion clinics in the state to be board certified obstetricians/gynecologists, with admitting privileges at a local hospital.

The only clinic currently performing abortions in Mississippi has three physicians on staff, two of which don’t meet the new requirements. Politico reports that the leader of Jackson Women’s Health Organization had predicted that the clinic could close if the bill was signed into law.

Pro-abortion forces were quick to condemn the new law, of course. But it’s difficult for them to credibly do so while maintaining that they exist for the sake of “women’s health.” How can having standards for the qualifications of doctors pose a danger to women’s health? There may be more than a little pro-life ideology at work in the Mississippi state government, but we greatly prefer that to a callous disregard for unborn children and the women who have come to believe that their children are disposable.

Keep praying saints...Things are changing


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hebrew Lesson: Is the Trinity in the Tanakh?

"The LORD bless you and guard you; the LORD make his face shine to you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his face to you and give you His peace." (Num. 6:24-26)

The Torah prescribes that only the male descendants of Aaron (i.e., the priests) are allowed to formally bless the congregation of Israel, and this practice continues in synagogue services today.

The text of the blessing itself is in three parts and is therefore called “the three in one blessing.” Notice that it is phrased in the singular rather than plural because it is meant to have personal application. The repeated phrase, “The LORD lift up His face toward you...” pictures the beaming face of a parent as he lifts up his beloved child in joy.

It must be remembered that the One doing the blessing is the LORD Himself, and even under the older covenant, the sons of Aaron merely conveyed God’s blessing tothe people. Since Yeshua is our great High Priest of the New Covenant, however, He would have recited these words over His disciples when He ascended back to Heaven—though He would have spoken them in the first person:

 I bless you and keep you; I shine upon you and am gracious to you; I lift up My countenance upon you, and give you My peace” .  (LUKE 24:50–51).
The Shema:
Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.
Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.

Per the third paragraph (see above):
* "three parts"
*"three in one"
*"the singular rather than plural"
Per The Shema (see above):
*"the Lord"
*"our God"
*"the Lord is One"
-Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach the Elohim (Lord)-

Shalom/CEA/Read John 3:16-17

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Extra! Extra! Obama's new secret tactic on the fereral funding of abortions by private citizens through one of his favorite organizations (Planned Parenthood)

   Did you know...

There is a "secrecy rule" that was found in the Health & Human Services (HHS) mandates on abortion funding. The rule states that "You cannot show the abortion surcharge ($12.00/Year) as an itemized item in any marketing materials or the billing statement in your health care plan."

The Secretary of HHS when asked about this coverage issue, stated in response to why it's important, "A number of pregnancies compensate for the cost of contraception." and "Providing contraception as a critical health benefit for women and their children reduces contraceptive costs."  Go to for more information and to sign the petition to or go to

Abortion funding is mandated in the proposed national health care insurance plan aka ObamaCare. The President says it is ESSENTIAL care at a Planned Parenthood speaking engagement. What makes the murdering of babies "essential"?

Pro-Life citizens like you and me will be forced to pay for abortions. The Supreme Court is preparing to make a determination whether the flawed ObamaCare is unconstitutional. Obama said, "This is a health care bill and not an abortion bill" and that is not true. Do not give them your $12.00.

This law is bad for America.

They are violating the Hyde Amendment and Congressman Smith-NJ amendment. They are mandating that we violate our conscience. The insurance will be mandatory, you can't opt out of the insurance plan and if you could your state may not have another plan that meets government standards under Sec. 1501.

We can win this if we exercise our voice. They're trying every trick in the book to pass this ungodly law. Please don't go to sleep now my fellow Watchmen on the wall. And if you're not watching as we were commanded by our Commander-in Chief Messiah Jesus then WAKE UP!

America is on life support! Pray! Pray! Pray!


Monday, April 9, 2012

We have been commissioned by Jesus...

"I have been commissioned by Jesus to speak up for those who have no voice that if you remain silent, a person just like you and me will die every 20 seconds of every day.

Today, a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is not right. A baby is a baby when miscarriage takes place at two, three, four months. A baby is called a tissue or clumps of cells when an abortion takes place at two, three or four months. Why is that? I see no difference. What are you seeing? Many close their eyes."

Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

"There is a quote etched in the ceiling of our state's capital buildings. The quote says, "Whatever is morally wrong, is not politically correct. "Abortion is morally wrong. Our country is shedding the blood of the innocent. America is killing its future."

"The Bible says of our Creator, "In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being" (Job 12:10). God, the giver of life, commands us not to take the life of an innocent person: "Do not shed innocent blood" (Jeremiah 7:6); "Cursed is the man who accepts a bribe to take innocent person" (Deuteronomy 27: 25).

"You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13). Taking the life of the unborn is clearly murder--"He didn't kill me in the womb, with my mother as my grave" (Jeremiah 20:17)--and God vowed to punish those who "ripped open the mother with child" (Amos 1:13). The unborn child was granted equal protection in the law;if he lost his life, the one who CAUSED his death MUST lose his own life: "If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined...But if their is serious injury, you are to take life for life." (Exodus 21:22,23).

Life is a gift created by God, and is not to be taken away by abortion. God is Pro-Choice, but He tells us clearly the ONLY acceptable choice to make:

"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Did you know?

"One of the most important abortion facts is that most of the abortions take place in the first trimester when the fetus cannot live independent of the mother. It depends on the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord for nutrition and hence should not be considered a separate entity. The way Hitler began the killing of millions of Jews was to isolate them. They were put into ghettos and starved of food. They were completely dependent on the German people for survival and thus became an economic drain. So, killing them off became the final and most sensible solution. A lot of care and precautions are taken while carrying out an abortion. Most of the abortions are done during the first trimester when abortions are most safe. As a result, abortions pose ONLY a 0.5% risk for the woman to develop serious complications. This certainly DOES NOT affect women's health gravely or their ability to concieve in the future."