Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Extra! Extra! Obama's new secret tactic on the fereral funding of abortions by private citizens through one of his favorite organizations (Planned Parenthood)

   Did you know...

There is a "secrecy rule" that was found in the Health & Human Services (HHS) mandates on abortion funding. The rule states that "You cannot show the abortion surcharge ($12.00/Year) as an itemized item in any marketing materials or the billing statement in your health care plan."

The Secretary of HHS when asked about this coverage issue, stated in response to why it's important, "A number of pregnancies compensate for the cost of contraception." and "Providing contraception as a critical health benefit for women and their children reduces contraceptive costs."  Go to ACLJ.org for more information and to sign the petition to or go to cnsnews.com.

Abortion funding is mandated in the proposed national health care insurance plan aka ObamaCare. The President says it is ESSENTIAL care at a Planned Parenthood speaking engagement. What makes the murdering of babies "essential"?

Pro-Life citizens like you and me will be forced to pay for abortions. The Supreme Court is preparing to make a determination whether the flawed ObamaCare is unconstitutional. Obama said, "This is a health care bill and not an abortion bill" and that is not true. Do not give them your $12.00.

This law is bad for America.

They are violating the Hyde Amendment and Congressman Smith-NJ amendment. They are mandating that we violate our conscience. The insurance will be mandatory, you can't opt out of the insurance plan and if you could your state may not have another plan that meets government standards under Sec. 1501.

We can win this if we exercise our voice. They're trying every trick in the book to pass this ungodly law. Please don't go to sleep now my fellow Watchmen on the wall. And if you're not watching as we were commanded by our Commander-in Chief Messiah Jesus then WAKE UP!

America is on life support! Pray! Pray! Pray!


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