Monday, April 9, 2012

We have been commissioned by Jesus...

"I have been commissioned by Jesus to speak up for those who have no voice that if you remain silent, a person just like you and me will die every 20 seconds of every day.

Today, a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is not right. A baby is a baby when miscarriage takes place at two, three, four months. A baby is called a tissue or clumps of cells when an abortion takes place at two, three or four months. Why is that? I see no difference. What are you seeing? Many close their eyes."

Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

"There is a quote etched in the ceiling of our state's capital buildings. The quote says, "Whatever is morally wrong, is not politically correct. "Abortion is morally wrong. Our country is shedding the blood of the innocent. America is killing its future."

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